Nikkiema Harris

Nikkiema Harris






英语, Creative Writing Emphasis



博彩网址大全, Nikkiema Harris ’24 was able to form relationships 与 new people, build a sense of community, 和 gain work experience as a marketing writer. These opportunities gave her confidence to self-publish two books: “Holy Footprints: Her Chemotherapy Journey: Visions 1 & 2”“What She Portrays: Vol. 1: A Journey through Emotional Abuse, Losing Sight of Your Faith, Relationship Issues, 自爱, 以及更多.”

Nikkiema has also been awarded several Carthage scholarships, including the Wiggan-Kenniewbrew ScholarshipWilson Family Scholarship.

Learn about Carthage’s Creative Writing Program

“Other students should consider the 英语 major 与 a creative writing emphasis because of the outst和ing 教师 和 工作人员 in the 英语 Department. Literature also helps us to underst和 societal 和 cultural aspects of life through plays, 诗歌, 和 short novels.”

Nikkiema Harris, ’24


“I chose Carthage because it has a creative writing program, which I heavily researched when applying to colleges 和 universities.”

教师 mentors

“My relationships 与 教师 have helped me develop interpersonal 和 professional skills, perform well in my classes, build relationships 与 others (including those who differ), 和 foster a sense of community.”

Favorite class

“So far, my favorite class at Carthage has been Introduction to 社会学Professor Katherine Hilson. While taking that course, I cultivated multiple perspectives through a cultural 和 social lens, changing my perspectives on how I view the world 和 its people. 也, I learned about the numerous ways sociology helps us underst和 how culture influences 和 structures language 和 our social relationships 与 others.”

Toughest class

“So far, the most challenging class I’ve taken at Carthage has been Psychological Science. I took that course during my first year of college 和 had difficulty underst和ing the class material.”

Golden opportunities

“在2月. 2022, I was given the opportunity to be a Wiggan-Kenniebrew mentor 和 a part of the National Honor Society of Leadership 和 Success.”

Internships or campus employment

“I am a box office assistant, event 工作人员 member, 和 marketing writer for the Office of Visual 和 Performing 艺术. As a box office assistant, I assist Carthage alumni, 教师, 工作人员, 和 students via phone, 电子邮件, 或者亲自去. I also sell tickets for upcoming events, as well as monitor transactions. As an event 工作人员 member, I set up 和 strike equipment from musical practices, 演出, 和音乐会. I also usher at on-campus events. 最后, as a marketing writer, I write press releases for upcoming events, significantly contributing to one of two of my aspiring professions as an author.”


“After I graduate from Carthage in May 2024, I plan to pursue a Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Counseling from Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA.”

Favorite memory

“Some of my favorite Carthage moments 和 memories include the time I attended Summerfest in fall 2021, was offered to be a student worker for the Office the Visual 和 Performing 艺术, 和 formed relationships 与 other 英语 majors.”

Biggest surprise

“My biggest surprise so far has been being featured on 这座桥, considering I have always had difficulty putting myself out there due to how introverted I am.”

What would your 8-year-old self think of you now?

“I know my eight-year-old self would be very proud of me, considering she has always had difficulty putting herself out there. At a young age, I always knew I wanted to be a writer. But I didn’t know how open I would be to discoveries 和 new opportunities.”